Overlook building with green roof and mirrored windows

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical Insurance

How do I determine my biweekly medical rate deductions?

Employees should use the Horizon or Aetna Calculator to determine their medical rate deductions.

  • Employee Type: State Union Negotiated
  • 12 Month Employees: Divide the annual amount by 26
  • 10 Month Employees: Divide the annual amount by 22

Are the Horizon Omnia Tier 1 and Tier 2 separate plans?

The Horizon Omnia plan is a plan with two tiers, not separate plans.

  • Tier 1 is for NJ doctors only
  • Tier 2 is for nationwide doctors (cannot go out of network)

How do I find a doctor that accepts my medical plan?

You can use the find my doctor finder on your carrier’s website.

If I turned 65 do I need to enroll in Medicare if I am covered under the University’s health plan?

Employees are not required to enroll in Medicare if they are covered under the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) until they retire or terminate employment.

*Same applies for dependents who are covered under the State Health Benefits.

My dependent turned 26 this year. What happens to their coverage?

Dependents who turn 26 are covered till the end of the year (December 31st). They have the option to elect COBRA or Chapter 375 coverage. The State will automatically mail a COBRA packet to the home address on file in Benefitsolver at the end of year.

How can my child continue coverage if they lose their status as an eligible dependent?

They have the option to elect COBRA or Chapter 375 coverage. For details on the two plans and their eligibility criteria, visit the following COBRA and Coverage for Over Age Dependents webpages.

I am an employee who waived State Health Benefits coverage with Montclair because I wanted to continue coverage as a dependent on my spouse’s plan. My insurance has been terminated and will soon no longer have health insurance coverage. Can my spouse and I enroll?

Yes, if your spouse’s employment status changes resulting in a loss of health coverage, you can enroll in State Health Benefits within 60 days of the event. You must also provide documentation (a letter or certificate) of your spouse’s employer to show loss of coverage. See guide on How to Enroll or Request a Change in Benefits in BenefitSolver

I have just become eligible to enroll in State Health Benefits. How can I decide which medical plan is the best one?

There is no single best plan. Plan selection is a personal decision based on your needs. You should review information provided in your benefits package and the individual carriers to familiarize yourself with the various plans and their provisions. Some of the main factors new enrollees usually consider are:

  • Cost
  • Ease of claims processing
  • Freedom of doctor/hospital selection
  • Whether or not your doctor participates in one or more State Health Benefit Plans

You can also visit the Benefits webpage for more information.

What is the difference between the HMOs the state offers?

The service areas for Horizon HMO plans are limited to New Jersey, Delaware, and bordering counties of Pennsylvania and New York. The HMO has “General Operating Procedures” and “Conditions of Participation” that are minimum coverage requirements instituted by the state. Additionally, the HMO may offer perks such as maternity programs, educational programs, newsletters, and wellness programs.

What is the role of a Primary Care Physician (PCP) in the Horizon HMO?

Your PCP provides basic medical services and coordinates your overall medical care. If specialized treatment is required, your PCP is responsible for referring you to a specialist, lab, hospital or any other network physician or specialist.  A PCP is typically a general practitioner, internist, or pediatrician. HMO participants may change their PCPs as often as they like.

I lost my medical card. How can I get a new one?

View and print one on the secure member website or call your carrier. Please view the State website for your carrier’s contact information.

Do I have to reach my deductible before the insurance picks up with the Horizon Omnia Tiered 2 network?

It depends on the service you are receiving. Many services such as a primary care visit the deductible does not apply. For a more detailed list please view the Summary of Benefits and Coverage.

Medical Documentation for Sick Days

Employees who are out sick for five consecutive working days must submit to HR/Benefits via Workday acceptable medical documentation.

Employees submitting medical documentation should include the following information:

  • the date the employee was seen by the doctor;
  • the date(s) the employee was out or will be out;
  • the expected date of return;
  • the reason for the absence and/or the nature of the illness;
  • a statement from the doctor that the employee is unable to carry out the duties of his/her position.

Medical documentation not containing this information will be returned for the necessary details. Failure to provide the appropriate medical documentation may result in the denial of paid sick leave.

At the discretion of the supervisor, medical documentation may be requested for proof of illness or injury:

  • when there is reason to believe that an employee is abusing sick leave;
  • when an employee has been absent on sick leave for any aggregate of more than 15 days in a 12-month period.
  • when illness is before or immediately following a holiday

Failure to provide the appropriate medical documentation in any of the above circumstances may result in the denial of paid sick leave.

The University has the right to require the employee’s medical documentation to be reviewed by Occupational Health, or have the employee examined by Occupational health.

Employees may be eligible to take sick days to care for a spouse, civil partner, son/daughter, parent, parent-in-law, parental relationship.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the Benefits Department in Human Resources at hr-benefits@gotchasportfishing.com.

Civil Service COVID-19 State Emergency

Which employees are eligible for Civil Service COVID-19 State of Emergency leave:

The order covers employees who are subject to Title 11 A Civil Service, which would include those individuals in the following unions:


I am a Civil Service employee and I tested positive for COVID. What documentation should I provide?

A: You will need to supply medical documentation via Workday from the treating physician indicating that you have tested positive and include the recommended time off. 

Please note: If you cannot supply medical documentation COVID absence will not apply.  


I tested positive for COVID and I must quarantine. What time do I charge?

A: All Civil Service employees are eligible for up to 5 days, paid at 100% provided that the required documentation has been submitted.

Dental Insurance

How are orthodontics covered under the Dental Expense Plan and DPOs?

Under the Dental Expense Plan, eligible orthodontic services are covered for members under age 19 at a 50% coinsurance level up to a lifetime benefit maximum of $1,000. Orthodontic services are only covered if the employee has been a full-time employee for at least 10 months. Under DPOs, patients under 18 years at the start of treatment have a co-payment of $1,000 or 50% of the bill (whichever is less). Patients over 18 at the start of treatment have a co-payment of $1,750 or 50% of the bill (whichever is less). There is a maximum treatment period of 24 months.

My dentist dropped out of my DPO. Can I switch dental plans?

No, if your dentist leaves your DPO, you have to select another dentist in that DPO. If after your dentist leaves, there are no other participating dentists within 30 miles of your home, you have 30 days to select another plan. You will have the option to switch dental plans during open enrollment, given you have been participating in the DPO plan for at least 1 year.

What deductibles are required by members?

Members of the Dental Expense Plan are required to satisfy a $50.00 deductible per person per calendar year. If you have family coverage, no additional deductibles are charged after any three members have each met their $50.00 deductible.

What is the annual benefit maximum under the Dental Expense Plan?

Under the Dental Expense Plan the most the plan will pay for any one person per calendar year is $3,000. This maximum applies to all eligible services except orthodontics which has a separate $1,000 lifetime benefit maximum. Members of Dental Plan Organizations (DPOs) are not subject to annual benefit maximums.

When should I request a predetermination of benefits under the Dental Expense Plan?

If you or your dependent will incur dental expenses over $300 it is strongly recommended that you ask your dentist to file a predetermination of benefits. This will ensure that you and your dentist know in advance what part of the dentist’s charges will be paid by Aetna. If you and your dentist decide on a more costly treatment method, you are responsible for the additional charges above and beyond what Aetna considers “reasonable and customary.”

I lost my dental card. How can I get a new one?

View and print one on the secure member website or call your carrier. Please view the State website for your carrier’s contact information.

How do I find a dentist that accepts my dental plan?

You can use the find my doctor finder on your carrier’s website.

Prescription Drug Coverage

Can I get a 90-day supply of medication at my local retail pharmacy?

Yes, if you use a participating pharmacy you will pay the appropriate co-payment for the purchase of a 30-day or 90-day maximum supply.

Does the prescription drug plan have a mail order service? How do I use it?

Yes, you can receive up to a 90-day supply of medication for one co-payment.

To use the mail order service call OptumRx at 1-844-368-8740 or visit optumrx.com. Send with new prescription(s) to:

P.O. Box 2975
Mission, KS 66201

Mail order prescriptions are usually delivered within 7-10 business days of receipt of your order.

How can I find out which drug stores participate?

Ask your retail pharmacist, visit the OptumRx website, or call Member Services at 1-844-368-8740.

I did not receive my prescription card. Who should I call?

Call OptumRx Member Services at 1-844-368-8740.

If you have not received your Welcome Packet with the OptumRx announcement letter, please call OptumRx Member Services at 1-844-368-8740.

Who administers the Prescription Drug Plan?

Effective January 1, 2018, the New Jersey State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) Employee Prescription Drug Plan administered by OptumRx. This coverage is separate and independent from the medical insurance carrier.

Additional information and documents can be found on the prescription webpage.

How do I find a pharmacy that accepts my prescription plan?

You can use the find a pharmacy finder on Optum’s website.

Health Benefits Coverage of Children Until Age 31 Under Chapter 375

Who is eligible?

In order to meet the requirements for continuation of coverage under this law, the individual must be:

  • Less than 31 years of age
  • Unmarried
  • Having no dependents of his or her own
  • A NJ resident or enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited public or private institution of higher education
  • Not receiving coverage as a named subscriber, insured, enrollee, or covered person under any other group or individual health benefits plan, church plan, or entitled to benefits under Medicare).

May an over age dependent select to continue dental and/or vision benefits?

There is no provision for eligibility for dental or vision benefits, under Chapter 375.

May the over age dependent select a different plan than the medical plan that the covered parent has selected?

No. Under Chapter 375, an over age child does not have any choice in the selection of benefits. The over age child must be enrolled for coverage in exactly the same plan or plans (medical and/or prescription drug) that the covered parent has selected.

What documentation is required to enroll my dependent for coverage?

  • Active employees MUST submit Chapter 375 applications online using Benefitsolver. Navigate to mynjbenefitshub, or you may log in through myNewJersey. Please see Chapter 375 dependent documentation requirements here.

What is the cost for the over age coverage under Chapter 375?

When Chapter 375 coverage is elected, the covered parent will be billed directly by the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) for the cost of the coverage. Payroll deductions are not available. Please see the Chapter 375 2025 rates  chart for the premium amounts for the SHBP plans for over age coverage.

When can I sign my dependent up for coverage?

A State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) covered employee or retiree may enroll an over age child who is Chapter 375 eligible until the child’s 30th birthday at the following times:

  • Within 30 days prior to December 31 of the year the dependent reaches age 26 with coverage effective the following January 1
  • Within 30 days of coverage loss, the covered employee provides proof of loss of other group coverage (HIPAA) for the Chapter 375 eligible over age child with coverage effective the date that the prior coverage was terminated
  • During the Annual SHBP Open Enrollment period, typically held during the month of October of each year if the over age child meets the eligibility requirements of Chapter 375 with coverage effective the following January 1

When will coverage end under Chapter 375 for an over age dependent?

Chapter 375 coverage ends on the first of the month following the event that makes the child ineligible or up until the paid through date in the case of non-payment.

Coverage for an enrolled over age child will end when the child no longer meets any one of the eligibility requirements listed above, or when the covered parent’s coverage ends (for example: termination of employment, divorce, or death of the covered parent). The SHBP may also terminate coverage in the event of non-payment of the required premiums.

There is no provision for the continuation of group coverage under COBRA for a child due to the loss of Chapter 375 coverage. Nor is there any provision for conversion to non-group coverage.

Where can I obtain further information about the law?

You can visit the State of New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits website for current information.

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

What benefits will I be eligible to enroll in should I be determined to be full-time under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Employees who are determined to be eligible for health benefits through Montclair under ACA will be offered the option to enroll in SHBP medical and prescription drug plans.Additional benefits, such as dental plans, are not covered by the ACA.

Can I cover my spouse and children in the medical and prescription drug plans?

Yes; eligible dependents for State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) coverage include spouses, same-sex domestic partners or civil union partners, and children.

What will I be required to contribute for the coverage?

Employees enrolled in State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) coverage under the ACA will contribute towards the coverage according to Chapter 78, N.J. P. L. 2011, the same as all full-time University employees. Contributions are based on annual salary, plan selected, and dependents covered. For an estimate on your cost, use the Horizon or Aetna Calculator. 

I have been notified by the Benefits Office that I am eligible for health coverage via the ACA. When will my coverage be effective?

In accordance with both State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) regulations and restrictions on length of waiting periods under the ACA, newly hired employees who are expected to work 30 or more hours in regularly appointed positions will be offered coverage after a 60-day waiting period. Those found eligible via the annual audit will be offered coverage effective each January 1.

How are multiple assignments taken into account for measuring hours for the ACA?

Hours worked across all assignments will be aggregated and used to measure full-time status under the ACA each year, with the exception of Federal Work Study hours as exempted under the legislation. For example, a Part-Time Lecturer teaching 6 credits in one department and 6 credits in another department would be measured as having taught 12 credits in the semester.

I currently have SHBP coverage at the University because I am full-time in an eligible position. How do these changes impact me?

These changes in procedure have no impact on you as long as you remain full-time in a benefits-eligible position.

How does the ACA allow colleges and universities to measure hours for Adjuncts?

The IRS provided clarification and guidance as it related to the measurement of adjunct faculty hours. In reviewing this guidance, the University will apply 2.5 hours per week per credit taught in the semester. For example, if an Adjunct teaches a 3-credit course in one department and a 6-credit course in another department, 22.5 hours per week will be applied to their measurement for that semester.

State Health Benefits for Part-Time Employees

Are payroll deductions available?

No, the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits will bill enrolled members on a monthly basis. Invoices will be mailed to the member’s home address.

As a part-time employee, if I enroll in State Health Benefits, can I also enroll in a Flexible Spending Account?

No, only full-time employees eligible for employer paid health benefits are eligible to enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts.

How do eligible part-time employees enroll?

I am a newly hired part-time professor. When can I enroll?

There is a two-month waiting period following the eligibility date before the part-time State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) health benefits become effective. For example, if a part-time employee becomes eligible to enroll in a state retirement system on September 1 and the part-time employee has completed and submitted the Part-time Employees Health Benefits Program Application the part-time SHBP insurance coverage would be effective on November 1.

To enroll, log into Benefitsolver.

If I am enrolled in State Health Benefits when I retire from my part-time position, will I be able to elect post-retirement health coverage?

Yes. Upon retirement, part-time employees who are enrolled in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) are permitted to enroll in the retiree state health benefits coverage, which includes prescription drug coverage. You will be required to pay full group rates regardless of your amount of pension credited service. For more information, visit the Retiree website.

If I do not enroll when first eligible, when is the next opportunity to enroll?

You may enroll during the next regular annual open enrollment period or within 60 days of a life event (birth, marriage, loss of coverage through spouse, same domestic or civil union partner, etc.).

If I have a change in status from part-time to full-time employment, what is the procedure to continue health coverage? Will there be a waiting period for full-time health benefits?

If you were enrolled in the part time health benefits through the State you will need to enroll in COBRA coverage until your full time benefits become effective. Full time benefits coverage will be effective after a 60 day waiting period from your full-time employment date.

Is there a way to continue health insurance coverage after termination of employment?

Yes, upon termination of employment you may continue coverage for up to 18 months by enrolling in COBRA.

What are the Monthly Rates?

Please refer to the State website for monthly rates.

What coverage options are available?

Please refer to the State website for benefit plans available.

Who is eligible for the part time health benefits?

Part-time employees who are members of a state-administered retirement plan.

Will I have the 2 month waiting period, if I was enrolled in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) as a part-time employee with a previous employer?

If your coverage is still in effect on the day that you begin work with your current state employer (COBRA coverage excluded), your coverage begins immediately.  You will not have the 2 month waiting period or any break in coverage.


What is COBRA?

COBRA is an acronym for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. It is a Federal law that provides employees and dependents who would otherwise lose coverage an opportunity to purchase health benefits for a limited time.

Can I elect a different health plan?

Yes, for example an employee enrolled in NJ DIRECT may elect to enroll in one of the HMO plans under COBRA.

Can I elect a reduced level of COBRA coverage?

Yes, however you may not increase the level of coverage while on COBRA unless there is a qualifying event such as a birth or marriage.

How do I enroll?

A COBRA Notice will be mailed to the address on file in Benefitsolver. Benefitsolver is the COBRA administrator for the SHBP, and continuation of coverage elections must be made through Benefitsolver.

How long may COBRA coverage continue?

  • 18 months – termination of employment, change in job status, or leave of absence
  • 29 months – if on Social Security disability status
  • 36 months – death of employee, divorce, or dependent loses eligibility status

What are the COBRA rates?

What is the deadline for returning a completed COBRA application to the state?

60 days from loss of coverage or date of employer notification, whichever is later.

When do I pay the premium?

The New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits will send you a monthly invoice.  For information on the billing notice, please review Fact Sheet #30 (on the COBRA SHBP website.)

Where can I direct COBRA billing questions?

Our COBRA service center is ready to help you at 833–929–1101, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Who is eligible?

Employees and dependents enrolled in State Health Benefits at the time of a “COBRA event” resulting in the loss of coverage are eligible.

Will there be a break in continuous coverage after COBRA enrollment?

No, the COBRA start date coincides with the active coverage end date.

I am retiring. Can I enroll in COBRA?

Retirees are not eligible for COBRA as a “COBRA event” has not occurred.

Tax Form 1095-C

What is Tax Form 1095-C?

Tax Form 1095-C is a document that contains detailed information about health care coverage offered to applicable employees. The ACA has mandated that employers provide Tax Form 1095-C to all eligible employees as of 2016 (for tax year 2015). Tax Form 1095-C serves as proof of insurance, and is formal documentation of ACA compliance for the IRS.

Who will receive Tax Form 1095-C from Montclair?

According to the ACA definition of full-time employee, those who will receive Tax Form 1095-C are faculty and staff who worked an average of 30 or more hours per week for the University in the calendar year.

Who will not receive Tax Form 1095-C from Montclair?

According to the ACA definition of full-time employee, those who will not receive Tax Form 1095-C are faculty and staff who worked less than an average of 30 hours per week for the University in the calendar year.

How will Tax Form 1095-C impact my taxes?

If you do not have formal documentation of ACA compliance for qualifying health care coverage for the entirety of the year, you may be required to pay the IRS an Individual Shared Responsibility Payment. For more information on ACA compliance please visit the IRS website at http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act.

Should I wait to receive Tax Form 1095-C in the mail before completing my federal tax return?

In most cases, you do not need to wait for Tax Form 1095-C in order to file your federal tax return. You can simply check the box on the standard IRS tax form to attest that you, your spouse (if filing jointly), and covered dependent(s), had the required Minimum Essential Coverage.

Do I need to attach Tax Form 1095-C to my federal tax return?

The IRS will not require that you attach Tax Form 1095-C to your filing documents, but you should maintain Tax Form 1095-C with your personal tax records. Please consult with your tax professional or financial adviser if you have specific tax questions.

Will covered dependents receive Tax Form 1095-C?

The University will supply eligible faculty and staff with Tax Form 1095-C, which will list covered dependents. Covered dependents requiring copies of Tax Form 1095-C will need to access the documents through the faculty or staff member under whom the dependent’s coverage exists.

What if there is a discrepancy on Tax Form 1095-C?

If there is a discrepancy on Tax Form 1095-C, please contact the Benefits Office at benefits@gotchasportfishing.com, and we will reissue a new copy of Tax Form 1095-C within 10 business days.

Is my Tax Form 1095-C available online?

The Tax Form 1095-C is an accessible Workday.

Where can I find more information about the ACA and Tax Form 1095-C?

For comprehensive ACA tax provisions, and for more information about Tax Form 1095-C, please visit the IRS website at http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act.

Life Insurance

Can I convert my life insurance if I leave Montclair?

Yes, you can convert your life insurance. You can either call Prudential at 877-889-2070 or use the online Life Insurance Conversion Calculator.

Does my life insurance continue into retirement?

  • Members of PERS or PFRS continue a reduced amount of life insurance into retirement if they retired with 10 or more years of pension membership credit or if they retired on a disability retirement.
    • PERS retirees receive 3/16 times the last 12 month’s salary.
    • PFRS retirees receive ½ of Final Compensation.
  • Members of ABP continue life insurance equal to one half times the last 12 month’s salary, if they retired with 10 or more years of pension credited service at age 60 or above.
  • Members of DCRP continue a reduced amount of life insurance into retirement if they retire on or after age 60 with 10 or more years of pension membership credit or at any age with 25 years of participation in the DCRP. DCRP retirees receive 3/16 of the annual base salary on which DCRP contributions were made.

How can I change my life insurance beneficiary?

Alternate Benefit Program (ABP) members must complete the Beneficiary Designation form and return it to:

Division of Pensions and Benefits, Beneficiary Services
P.O. Box 295
Trenton, NJ 08625-0295.

Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS) members who wish to verify, update, or change their beneficiary information must use the online Designation of Beneficiary Application available through the Member Benefits Online System (MBOS)

How can I tell who my beneficiary is?

You can send a written request to the State asking for a copy of your beneficiary disclosure.  Send requests to:

Division of Pensions and Benefits, Beneficiary Services
P.O. Box 295
Trenton, NJ 08625-0295

Motclair does not have records of  beneficiary information.

How often can I change my beneficiary?

You may change your beneficiary as often as you like. Every time a Designation of Beneficiary form is received it replaces what was on file with the Division of Pensions and Benefits.

If I have more than one beneficiary, can I designate different percentages to each?

Yes, you should indicate percentage assignments clearly in the space provided on the Designation of Beneficiary form.  If you do not indicate percentages, the beneficiaries living at the time of your death will share equally in the distribution of death benefits.

Retirement Plans

How can I make changes/enroll in a Supplemental Retirement plan?

For instructions on how to enroll/change contributions to supplemental plans through Workday, click here.

As a member of the ABP, do I have to be a certain age to retire?

No, there is no age requirement. You are considered retired when you withdraw funds from your retirement account in the form of an annuity and/or cash settlement. Only employee contributions are available to ABP retirees until age 55. Once attaining age 55, employer contributions are also available to ABP retirees. For information about payout options and possible tax penalties for cash withdrawals prior to age 59 ½, contact your investment carrier.

I am a new hire. Do I have to enroll in a pension plan?

If you accept a pension-eligible position at the University, you must enroll in a pension plan as a condition of employment. Pension enrollment cannot be waived.

Anyone holding an “F” or “J” visa is not eligible to join a pension plan.

I am currently enrolled in PERS. I recently transferred to an ABP-eligible position. Do I have to enroll in ABP?

No, you have the choice of remaining in PERS or switching to ABP. If you remain in PERS, you will waive your rights to membership in the ABP while employed at the University. Employees who become eligible will be provided the necessary information and forms to complete the process. Employees will have 30 days to make a decision and return the appropriate form(s) to your department.

It is important to note that this is a one-time decision that must be made. If you do not transfer into ABP within the above timeframe, you will continue to participate in PERS and cannot decide at a later date to transfer to ABP.

Long Term Disability

What are the benefits of Long-term Disability?

Members are eligible to receive wage replacement of base salary earned during the 12 months preceding the onset of  the disability.  This benefit is offset by any other periodic benefits the member may receive such as Workers’ Compensation, Social Security, etc.

What constitutes “total disability”?

To be considered totally disabled, the member must be unable to perform one or more essential duties of his/her occupation.  The member need not be confined to home, but must be under a doctor’s regular care.

How long will long term disability benefits be paid?

Benefits will continue as long as the member remains disabled or until the member reaches age 70.  Employees must apply for Social Security disability benefits prior to or simultaneously with the LTD application. If the member retires by receiving payments under the retirement annuity, the member is considered retired, and long-term disability benefits terminate.

I have recently become disabled, when should I apply for long-term disability benefits?

You should apply when you think you will be out of work longer than six months. Members become eligible to receive long-term disability or disability retirement benefits after six months of “total disability” ; however, you do not have to wait six months to apply.

Will my time on LTD count as years of service?

Yes, time on LTD does count as years of service.   

Do my Health Benefits remain active?

An employee who is approved for Long Term Disability is no longer participating as a Montclair employee in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP). However, the employee transitions to Retirement benefits (managed by the state) as a “retiree”. 

An employee who is approved for Ordinary or Accidental Disability Retirement is eligible for health benefit coverage in the same manner as coverage is provided to retirees. 

For Retiree information review Health Benefits Coverage — Enrolling as a Retiree 

Will contributions be made to my ABP/PERS/DCRP retirement plan?

While the member is considered disabled, the member’s mandatory contributions are paid by Prudential and credited to the member’s PERS, ABP, or DCRP account. Employer mandatory contributions are paid by the employer.

Will I continue to be covered under the Group Life Insurance?

While receiving long-term disability insurance benefits, members also remain covered under the PERS, TPAF, ABP, or DCRP Group Life Insurance to the same extent that they were covered as employees prior to being disabled. 

For PERS employees approved for Ordinary or Accidental Disability Retirement you are covered by group life insurance in the amount of 1 1/2 times your final salary until you reach normal retirement age: age 60 for Tier 1 and Tier 2 members; age 62 for Tier 3 members.

For PFRS employees approved for Ordinary or Accidental Disability Retirement, life insurance will be equal to 3 1/2 times compensation until age 55, when it will be reduced to 50 percent of Compensation.

If I have an IRA/403(b) account can I still make contributions?

A member of LTD can no longer contribute to their 403(b) but the account will remain opened.  

Will I continue to accrue sick days and or vacation days under LTD?

Since the member is no longer an active employee, they will no longer accrue sick/vacation days.

Supplemental Savings Plans

Can I suspend and restart contributions?

Yes, contributions to any of these savings plans can be suspended and restarted at a future time.

How does the IRS classify these voluntary savings plans?

ACTS, SACT and Additional Voluntary Contributions through your investment carrier are “403(b)” plans. The NJ State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan is an IRS “457” plan.

What are the annual contribution limits for each of these plans?

  • The maximum contribution for 2025 is $23,500.
  • Anyone turning the age of 50 by the end of the calendar year can also make “Catch up” contributions in the amount of $7,500. (Total contributions cannot exceed $31,000 for regular contributions and catch-up contributions).


  • Under age 50: A combined pre-tax and after-tax contributions: $23,500 in 2025
  • Age 50 & Over: A maximum pre-tax and after-tax contributions: $31,000 in 2025

Note: Members enrolled in ACTS and SACT have a combined $23,500 or $31,000 limit for 2025.

NJ State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan (PERS or PFRS or ABP)

  • Under age 50: A combined pre-tax and after-tax contributions: $23,500 in 2025
  • Age 50 & Over: A maximum pre-tax and after-tax contributions: $31,000 in 2025

Note: Three years prior to retirement, plan members may be able to defer up to twice the normal limit for that year. For additional information, please contact Prudential at 866-657-3327.

What voluntary savings plans can members of PERS or PFRS enroll in?

PERS or PFRS members may enroll in one or more of the following plans:

What supplemental plan should I enroll in on Workday?

ABP Members – 367 ( AXA, Mass Mutual, MetLife, TIAA, Voya, Valic )

PFRS Members- 380 ( AXA, Mass Mutual, MetLife, TIAA, Voya, Valic )

PERS Members- 381 ( AXA, Mass Mutual, MetLife, TIAA, Voya, Valic )

All Members- 457 (Prudential- Voluntary/Roth)

What is the difference between the 403b and 457b retirement plans?

The 403b Retirement plans allows you to take a loan but you are required to pay the loan back. The 457 plans allow withdrawals without any penalties for a catastrophic event which is determined by Empower (formerly Prudential). If approved, repayment is not required.

Roth Contributions

Can I contribute both pre-tax and Roth contributions to the New Jersey State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan (NJSEDCP)?

Yes. You can choose to contribute pre-tax contributions, Roth contributions, or a combination of both.

Can I make Roth contributions to the NJSEDCP and to a Roth IRA?

Making Roth contributions to the Plan does not impact your eligibility to make Roth IRA contributions. Based on your income, however, you may not be able to contribute to a Roth IRA.

Can I roll my Roth IRA into the NJSEDCP?

No. The law does not allow Roth IRAs to be rolled into the Plan.

How do I keep track of my pre-tax and Roth contributions?

Contributions will be tracked in your account via the carrier’s online portal. Roth contributions will be listed as a separate ‘source’ of money on the participant website and on your quarterly statement.

How much can I contribute to the Plan if I make pre-tax and Roth contributions?

The IRS limit applies to the combined contribution amount. The limit remains at $23,500 for 2025. You may also be eligible to make catch-up contributions. If you are age 50 or over as of December 31 you can contribute an extra $7,500. Your Plan also offers a Special 457 Catch-up for participants who have not always maximized their annual contributions to the NJSEDCP.

What are Roth contributions? Are they different from traditional pre-tax contributions?

Roth contributions are voluntary contributions that are made on an after-tax basis. The amount you contribute is included in your W-2 in the year you make your contribution. Roth contributions and any earnings on those contributions are tax-free upon distribution because you already paid income tax on your Roth contributions.  A withdrawal of your Roth contributions is always 100% federal income tax free.

Traditional contributions are made on a before–tax basis, reducing your taxes at the time you make the contribution. Traditional pre-tax contributions, and any earnings on those contributions, are subject to ordinary taxes upon distribution.

Deciding which contribution type is better for you is a personal decision as you can choose to contribute pre-tax contributions, Roth contributions, or a combination of both.

Where do I get more information about Roth Contributions?

For additional information about the Roth Contributions you can reach out to a carrier representative. Their information is listed on our website.

Member Services Online System (MBOS)

What is the Member Services Online System (MBOS)?

MBOS is an online portal within the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits website intended for members of the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) and the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS).

How can I obtain my Logon ID and/or my password if I have forgotten it?

The Division of Pensions and Benefits has provided links to registered MBOS users to retrieve their logon ID and/or password.

  • Forgot your login ID?, you will be asked to provide the email address for your account and prompted to answer your challenge question.
  • Forgot your Password?, you will be asked to provide your login ID and be prompted to answer your challenge question.

How do I register for MBOS?

The Division of Pensions and Benefits provides step by step registration instructions  that include images of each of the registration steps to assist first time users.

I am a new employee and have not received confirmation of my PERS enrollment? Can I still register for MBOS?

You cannot register for MBOS until you have received your pension membership number, which can be found in Workday under your Personal Information once your enrollment in PERS has been processed by the Division of Pensions and Benefits.

I am still having difficulty using MBOS. How can I request assistance?

If you encounter difficulty registering for or using MBOS, call Client Services at 609-292-7524. You may also request assistance via MyNJ Support.  Please include your full name, email address, log on ID, and a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing.

I am trying to register for MBOS, but I do not know my PERS membership number. How can I obtain this number?

For employees currently enrolled in PERS, there are several ways to find your pension membership number:

  • Reference your pension ID under your Personal Information in Workday
  • Call the Division of Pensions and Benefits automated system at 609- 292-7524

I do not have internet access at home, is there another way to get my PERS account information?

Yes. PERS employees can also access their account information via phone by using the Automated Information System. You may access the Interactive Voice Response system 24 hours a day by calling 609-292-7524.

What functions can I complete using the MBOS system?

MBOS allows PERS and PFRS members to complete a variety of functions associated with their pension membership:

  • Review member account information
  • Apply for a pension loan
  • Apply to purchase service credit
  • Designate beneficiaries
  • Calculate a retirement estimate
  • Apply for retirement, and
  • Other pension related functions.

The State website offers step by step video instructions on how to access these functions through MBOS.

What pension functions can only be completed through MBOS?

Newly enrolled PERS members must use the MBOS system to designate beneficiaries for their retirement contributions and life insurance.

Effective November 1, 2008, all pension loan requests must be submitted online through MBOS.

Purchasing Service Credit

Can I purchase time if I haven’t worked in an eligible position?

No, only eligible service can be purchased.

How do I pay for the purchase?

You can make a lump sum payment or elect to have payroll deductions.

How much time can be purchased?

Members may purchase all eligible time up to 10 years. Veterans may purchase an additional 5 years of wartime military service. Partial purchases are permitted.

What types of service are eligible for purchase?

  • Temporary service
  • Leave of absence without pay
  • Former membership service
  • Out-of-state public service
  • S. government service
  • Military service after enrollment
  • Local retirement system service
  • Employment with other agencies (PFRS only)
  • Military service before enrollment
  • Uncredited service
  • Layoff (PFRS police only)

Where can I find more information about purchasing service credit?

The New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits Fact Sheet #1 has further information.

Commuter Tax$ave

Can I change or cancel my election?

Yes, you may change or cancel your election by contacting the Customer Service department at 1-866-512-8769 or online at www.commuterbenefits.com

How can I receive additional information about the program?

Additional information about the Commuter Tax$ave Program is available online on the Edenred website.

How do I enroll in the Commuter Tax$ave Program?

An eligible employee may enroll :

  • Email hr-benefits@gotchasportfishing.com to request your information be added to the Edenred portal
  • Once you receive confirmation that your account has been created you can enroll at commuterbenefits.com. You will need your University email address and Company Code: SNJ2 (View: How-To-Guide).
  • Contact the Customer Service department at 1-866-512-8769 for any additional questions

How does the program work if the account is voluntarily cancelled or upon termination of employment?

Employee elections in the Commuter Tax$ave Program are irrevocable. All benefits under this program must be claimed while you are actively participating. Any funds in the account at time of cancellation or termination are forfeited.

What are eligible expenses?

Mass transit expenses incurred to and from work for:

  • Mass transit including train, bus, ferry and vanpool
  • Commuter parking expenses

What expenses are not eligible?

Expenses incurred by taxi, car pool, private car, tolls (including EZ Pass) and commuting cost of dependents.

What is the maximum dollar amount that I can have on my Commuter Tax$ave debit card?

The Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) has established a maximum account balance of $1,500 for the QuickPay card in an effort to reduce the risk of employees forfeiting unused pre tax dollars.

Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) will notify employees if their account balance reaches $1,000 by sending a letter recommending that the employee evaluate his or her current levels of deductions and expenses. If the employee’s account balance reaches $1,200, Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) will automatically track the account and send the employee a second letter. If the employee’s account balance reaches $1,500, ECBS will not place additional funds on the employee’s debit card until the balance is spent down comparable with ongoing deductions.

What is the State of New Jersey Commuter Tax Savings Program?

The State of New Jersey Commuter Tax$ave Program is a program available under code 132(f) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. The plan allows employees to set aside pretax dollars for eligible mass transit and commuter parking expenses. The pretax dollars are not subject to Federal Income, Social Security and Medicare taxes, thereby saving you money.

When can I enroll in the Commuter Tax$ave Program?

The ordering deadline is the 25th of the month. For example, to receive a pass for your commute in April, you will need to have placed your order by February 25th.

Who is eligible to participate in this program?

An eligible employee is a full-time employee who is eligible to participate in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP).

Will I need an identification number to register?

Yes. Registration will require you to enter the Company Code, Montclair.edu email, and your campus wide employee identification number (CWID). The Company Code is SNJ2.


Are day camp expenses eligible for reimbursement through the Dependent Care Spending Account?

Yes, qualified day care, day camp, or other outside child care services such as before-school and after-school programs are covered.

Are Over-The-Counter drugs and medications eligible for reimbursement?

Yes. The CARES Act of March 2020 expanded the benefits of HSAs and FSAs by removing the prescription requirement for several OTC drugs and medicines, and by adding feminine hygiene products to the list of expenses eligible for reimbursement. List of eligible expenses can be found on the Horizon website.

Can over age children still be reimbursed for out-of-pocket medical expenses through the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account until age 26?

They may be. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) extends the eligibility of coverage to eligible children until the age of 26.  However, out-of-pocket expenses cannot be incurred by over age children unless the child qualifies as a “tax dependent” under Internal Revenue Code Section 125.

I am enrolled in the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account. My daycare expenses increased. Can I increase my annual election amount?

Yes, as long as you do not exceed $5,000 for the calendar year. To change your annual election amount, complete a Change in Status form and return the form to Horizon directly within 30 days of the event.

I am enrolled in the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account. Can I change my annual election amount?

You cannot make changes in your election amount during the calendar year unless you experience a qualified change in family status that is recognized by the IRS. Changes in family status include marriage or divorce, birth or adoption of a child, death of a dependent, change in work status of spouse, significant change in health coverage due to spouse’s employment, and change in cost or coverage of dependent care.

I will soon place my newborn in day care so that I can go back to work. I am not enrolled in a Dependent Care Flexible Account. Can I enroll now?

Yes, once you return to work you should enroll within 30 days of the event. To enroll, complete a Change in Status form and return the form to Horizon directly.

If I hire a babysitter, are wages and related taxes considered eligible for reimbursement through the Dependent Care Spending Account?

Yes, dependent care wages and related taxes for a babysitter are eligible expenses as long as the babysitter is not your dependent.

Is there a waiting period for new employees to enroll in the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account and/or Unreimbursed Dependent Care Spending Account?

Yes. There is a 30 day waiting period for the Unreimbursed Dependent Care Spending Account.  There is a 60 day waiting period for the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account.  The effective date will be the first day of the month following eligibility.  Employees who have an academic year appointment and have a September 1 hire date are eligible to enroll effective September 1.

What are the maximum elections?

For the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account, the maximum annual election is $2,500. For the Dependent Care Spending Account, the maximum annual election is $5,000.

What is the deadline for incurring expenses and submitting reimbursement claims under the Unreimbursed Medical Spending Account and the Dependent Care Spending Account?

You have until March 15 of the following year to incur eligible expenses. The deadline for submitting all claims is April 30 of the following year. Unused funds will not be reimbursed.

Where can I find a sample list of eligible expenses for reimbursement?

A list of eligible expenses can be found in your Horizon My Way Portal.

Who is the administrator for the Flexible Spending Account program?

Horizon My Way

What happens to my FSA when I terminate from Montclair?

  • Termination of FSA benefits occurs on the last day of the month in which employment is terminated unless the participant enrolls in COBRA for the Healthcare FSA. Please view the NJ Tax$ave Resource Guide for COBRA eligibility.
  • FSA claims can only be submitted for the time you were an active employee unless enrolled in COBRA.

What happens to my FSA if I am on a leave of absence without pay?

If you are not receiving pay and contributing towards your FSA then a termination will be placed on your account until you have returned from your leave. Once you have returned from your leave and are back on payroll the termination will be removed and you can submit any claims that may have occurred during your leave. Please note that your deductions will be adjusted to account for any missed pay periods.

I am enrolled in a High Deductible Low plan. How much of an employer contribution to I receive towards my HSA?

If your HSA account is open and you were enrolled as of January 1st you will receive $300. If you are enrolled during the middle of the year the amount is pro-rated at $25 per month to the end of the year.

How long does it take to receive the employer contribution towards my HSA?

The employer contribution is funded by the State and usually takes about 30-60 days to show up in your account.

Leave of Absence

After I have taken Family Leave for myself and to care for my newborn child, can I then take time off for vacation?

In any situation, the use of vacation time requires the prior approval of your supervisor.  A return from Family Leave is no different.

After my baby is born, do I need a doctor’s note stating when I can return to work?

Yes, this information must be provided by your physician in writing and submitted to your leave coordinator.

Do I earn pension credit while I am out on Family Leave?

You will not receive credit for any time that you are without pay from Montclair. PERS members can purchase pension service credit for medical leave. This is done by completing an Application to Purchase Service Credit via MBOS.

Do I earn vacation and sick time while I am out on unpaid leave?

PTO will be prorated prior to a leave of absence. Please contact Payroll for further details at payroll@gotchasportfishing.com

When do I add my baby to my health benefits?

Employees can add their newborn to their benefits through Benefitsolver within 60 days of their birth.

Does my doctor complete the Certification of Health Care Provider form?

The Certification of Health Care Provider form must be completed by your physician and returned to your leave coordination within 15 days of your request. This form is required to determine FMLA/NJFLA eligibility.

Does the university allow me to work up to my expected due date?

The last day of work will be determine by your treating physician, not Montclair.

How do I apply for New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (FLI)?

You can find information about the eligibility and application process on the State website at: http://myleavebenefits.nj.gov/worker/fli/

This process is not managed by Montclair, you must follow the procedures specified on their website or contact a customer service representative at 609-292-7060.

How do I apply for Temporary Disability Insurance?

You can find information about the eligibility and application process on the State website at: http://myleavebenefits.nj.gov/labor/myleavebenefits/worker/tdi/ . Your physician will be required to complete Part B (Medical Certificate)

This process is not managed by Montclair, you must follow the procedures specified on their website or contact a customer service representative at 609-292-7060

How do I continue my health benefits while I am out on Family Leave?

Your leave coordinator will send you a bill to pay for applicable employee premiums for your health plans if you are expected to be without pay during your leave. The amount for employee premiums can also be found in your check or on Workday.

How much will my health benefits cost when I am on Family Leave?

For 12 weeks under FMLA you will be required to pay the amount that is normally deducted from your paycheck. For coverage to continue beyond the 12 weeks, you must pay the monthly premium under COBRA.”]

I have numerous sick days. Can I use my sick days to stay home after my baby is born and get paid?

Birthing Parent: Yes, but only during the period that you are being treated for your serious medical condition (6-8 weeks from birth) as certified by your physician.

Non birthing parent: Yes, if you are taking a leave to care for a family member with a serious medical condition, you may use sick time under FMLA. The treating physician will need to complete a Certification of Health Care Provider form.

Must I use my sick, vacation or personal days?

If taking leave for yourself or a family member with a serious medical condition, you are required to use 2 weeks of sick time. Additional PTO, it’s optional.

If taking time of to bond with a newborn or newly adopted child, you have the option to use your PTO, however, sick time is not permitted. 

Please keep in mind that while using paid time off, you are ineligible for Temporary Disability or Family Leave Insurance (TDI).

Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

Contact your coordinator in the Benefits Department or email benefits@gotchasportfishing.com

Can I attend a staff meeting or office activities?

Employees on a leave should not engage in any work-related activities, including attending staff meetings, unless there is an explicit accommodation supported by a return-to-work note and cleared by HR/Benefits.

Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement


You may be eligible for the following Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement request types:
Employee Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement for Undergraduate Degree
Employee Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement for Graduate Degree

When will the Tuition Waiver be credited into my account?
Tuition waivers are sent to Student Accounts to be updated after the add/drop period has closed. Please allow 2-3 weeks following add/drop week for the waivers to be credited.

What are the deadlines to submit my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement?
Fall semester August 1st
Winter session December 1st
Spring semester January 1st
Summer sessions May 1st

Are fees included in the waiver program?
No, employees are responsible for paying mandatory student fees

Who is ineligible for Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement?
Temporary employees
Part time employees
Summer hires or an interns

What are the maximum amount of credits eligible per fiscal year?
There is no limit on the amount of credits for the tuition waiver/reimbursement

What should I do if my manager has not approved my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement?
Contact your manager to determine why your tuition Waiver/Reimbursement has not been approved.

How can I track my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement after I have submitted my application in Workday?
You may track your Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement by accessing your Workday inbox and clicking on your tuition waiver

What are the required documentation and processing timelines to apply for Tuition Reimbursement?
All reimbursement requests must be received within 60 days of the course end date.
Reimbursement is given only for pre approved courses taken at accredited colleges or universities other than Montclair State University.
All submissions must include proper documentation:
List of courses
Proof of payment
Workday Expense Report
Finance will issue reimbursement via check to your home address
Please allow a minimum of 60 days for reimbursement processing

What is the Tuition Reimbursement per credit amount?
AFT: $200 per credit
Manager: $150 per credit
CWA/ PBA/ IFPTE-AFSCME: $150 per credit

I submitted my expense report for Tuition Reimbursement. What happens next?
Human Resources will review the proper documentation and expense report. If all requirements have been met, Human Resources will approve the request and forward to Finance for payment.

My tuition reimbursement shows approved by HR but I have yet to receive it. Who should I contact?
Please contact Finance Workday at WCCSupport@gotchasportfishing.com or 973-655-5000, option 1

What information will I need to submit my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement expense report?
Documents to Upload via Workday:
List of courses
Proof of payment
Tuition bill receipt
When submitting for tuition reimbursement what cost center and additional work tags should I enter?
Enter the cost center CC10307. Once you enter the Cost Center the Division and Worktags will automatically populate.

How do I know when Finance has mailed my Tuition Reimbursement check?
You may track the status of the reimbursement by clicking on the Expense Icon in the Workday home screen, then select your expense report under recent “Expense Reports”.

Why was my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement denied?
Does not maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher for study at the undergraduate level or a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for study at the graduate level for each semester
Does not complete the course

What is the employee responsible for if the Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement is denied?
If the tuition Waiver is denied the employee will be responsible for the full cost

Who should I contact with questions regarding Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement?
You can email your questions to hr-benefits@gotchasportfishing.com

What happens if I leave my employment with the University while enrolled in a course?
Your tuition waiver will continue for the remainder of the semester. Going forward you would not be eligible for the tuition waiver.


Is there a waiting period for my dependent to become eligible for the Tuition Waiver?
Union Employees: Yes, the employee must have been employed by Montclair State for a minimum of one year
Managerial Employees: There is no waiting period

What documents are needed when applying for a Dependent Tuition Waiver?
Tax Return showing the dependent child that is applying for Tuition Waiver (not required if dependent is covered under the SHBP through the University)
Acceptance Letter (First-time applicants only)

What happens to a dependent’s tuition waiver if the employee was to pass away?
The dependent will continue to be eligible to receive the tuition waiver until the approved degree has been completed

What semesters can my dependent apply for Tuition Waiver?
Dependents are eligible for tuition waiver for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer semesters

Why was my Tuition Waiver/Reimbursement denied?
Tuition waiver: please contact Students Accounts or hr-benefits@gotchasportfishing.com
Reimbursement: Dependents are not eligible for tuition reimbursement

Does the dependent tuition waiver policy cover a graduate degree?
No, the dependent tuition waiver policy only covers their first baccalaureate degree

My dependent is not listed on my 1040 tax return or covered under the University’s State Health Benefits Program (SHBP). Are they eligible for the tuition waiver?

How will the maximum credits change for dependents?
The current cap of 24 maximum number of credits allowed per calendar year for dependents will be eliminated.

How will the waiting period change?
For employees subject to a waiting period for eligibility, their waiting period will be reduced to completing one year of employment prior to the first day of the semester in which they or their dependents wish to enroll in an undergraduate or graduate program at the University.

Are fees included in the waiver program?
No. Students will be responsible for paying mandatory student fees.

Is it necessary to submit a FAFSA?
Yes, submission of FAFSA is required

How will grade point average be calculated to determine tuition waiver eligibility and what happens if the student’s GPA does not meet the minimum?
Academic standing and eligibility for tuition waiver will be determined on the student’s cumulative grade point average.

How will tuition waivers be calculated for dependents of employees?
Tuition waivers will now be applied as a “last dollar” payment to the student’s account.  In the past, grants and scholarships were subtracted from the tuition charge and then the 60% waiver was applied to the remaining balance.  With the new policy, the student would be entitled to receive a waiver for remaining tuition charges after other grants and scholarships are applied up to the maximum amount of the waiver (60% of tuition).  The combination of grants, scholarships and the waiver cannot exceed the tuition charge.

What happens with the waiver if I am eligible for the Garden State Guarantee program or Red Hawk Advantage Programs?
The Garden State Guarantee program is a state program available to students who are in their junior or senior year of study whose family income meets program eligibility guidelines. There is information on the university’s website regarding this program:

Montclair State University – Garden State Guarantee Program

There are three tiers of eligibility. Students falling in Tier One are eligible to receive 100% of their tuition and fees covered by grants, scholarships and the Garden State Guarantee program. Since tuition is covered in full for Tier One students, they will not be eligible for the university tuition waiver. Students falling in Tiers Two and Three only receive partial support from the Garden State Guarantee which would amount to less than 60% of tuition, so students in Tiers Two and Three will receive the university waiver in lieu of the Garden State Guarantee grant.

The Red Hawk Advantage Award program provides tuition grants to entering students beginning with the fall, 2024 semester. The program is very similar to the Garden State Guarantee Program except that it is funded by the University and is available to students who are freshmen or sophomores at the time they are admitted. As with GSG, this is a last dollar program supplementing other gift aid the student may have received from government, private or institutional sources.

Red Hawk Advantage Award Program
As with GSG, there will be three tiers based on the income of the parent of the dependent student. Students falling in Tier One are eligible to receive 100% of their tuition and fees covered by grants, scholarships and the RHAA program. Since tuition is covered in full for Tier One students, they will not be eligible for the University tuition waiver. Students falling in Tiers Two and Three only receive partial support from the RHAA Program which would amount to less than 60% of tuition, so students in RHAA Program Tiers Two and Three will receive the University tuition waiver in lieu of the RHAA grant.

Work-Related Injury

What happens to my health benefits while receiving temporary workers compensation payments?

Health benefits coverage will continue in force for you, and all eligible dependents covered under your health benefits coverage level selection. While receiving Workers’ Compensation you will be required to submit your share of the cost of health benefit premiums. The University will continue to pay its portion of your benefit plan(s) during your absence provided we receive your portion of the benefit premiums. A breakdown of your payment and scheduled due dates will be sent via email by HR/Benefits.

What happens to my pension while receiving temporary workers compensation payments?

The University will continue to pay your (PERS/PFRS) pension contributions during your absence. If you have any outstanding pension loans, it is your responsibility to to contact the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits at (609) 292-7524 for payment instructions.

**ABP members are not eligible for employee and employer contributions while receiving workers compensation payments.

What happens to my group life insurance while receiving temporary workers compensation payments?

Noncontributory Group Life Insurance will remain in effect while the University is making pension contributions for the member.

PERS members have the option to continue the contributory portion of group life insurance. Your payment shall be remitted directly to the NJDPB with a Personal Insurance Contribution Remittance form. Payments should be made immediately upon your leave. If you do not make these optional premium payments, Contributory Group Life Insurance is suspended until you return to regular payroll. If you have any questions on the continuation of Contributory Group Life Insurance, you contact the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits at (609) 292-7524.

Qualifying Life Events

I recently had a baby. Can I newly enroll in coverage?

Yes, an employee and their newborn may newly enroll in coverage under the birth life event. The coverage will be effective on the date of birth and must be submitted within 60 days.

Can I add both my spouse and newborn onto my health benefits?

If the newborn was born within 60 days, both the spouse and child can be added as of the date of birth.

I recently got married. How do I add my spouse to my benefits?

Employees can add their spouse to their benefits in Benefitsolver through a Marriage life event. The changes must be submitted within 60 days of the marriage and a copy of the marriage certificate is required.

My dependent recently lost their coverage, how can I add them to my Benefits?

The employee will need to log into Benefitsolver and submit a Loss of Coverage life event. The life event must be submitted within 60 days of their coverage ending.

What documentation is needed for a loss of coverage life event?

A loss of coverage letter must include the subscriber/dependent name(s), coverage loss type and date the coverage ended. If the dependent is newly added, dependent verification will also be required.

I’m getting married soon. Will I be able to newly enroll in coverage once I’m married, or do I have to wait until the next Open Enrollment period?

Employees can newly enroll in Benefitsolver through a Marriage life event. The changes must be submitted within 60 days of the marriage and a copy of the marriage certificate is required.

My dependent turned 26 years old, when do they lose coverage and what happens next ?

Dependents who turn 26 are covered till the end of the year they turn 26 (December 31st). They have the option to elect COBRA or Chapter 375 coverage. For details on the two plans and their eligibility criteria, visit the following COBRA and Coverage for Over Age Dependents. The State will automatically mail a COBRA packet to the home address on file in Benefitsolver at the end of year.

Preparing For Retirement

How can I determine if I have 25 years of service with the State?

Employees can request an audit of their service time from the NJDPB at 609-292-7524 or email pensions.nj@treas.nj.gov

How much are the retiree health plans?

  • Employees with at least 25 years of service: Rate is based on a percentage of premium based on 50% of the last annual salary
  • Employees with less than 25 years of service: Responsible for the full costs of the premium

Rate charts can be found on the State website.

How much are the retiree dental plans?

Retirees are responsible for the full premium costs for dental. The rates are listed on the State website.

Do I need to enroll in Medicare Part A&B?

Yes, retirees that are 65 or older are required to enroll when they retire.

How do I know if I am auto enrolled in a retiree medical plan?

You will receive an offering letter from the NJDPB that will indicate if you are auto enrolled or not.

How do I make changes to the medical plan I was auto enrolled in?

Retirees will be able to log into Benefitsolver after their retirement date to enroll or make changes to their plans.

As an ABP employee what paperwork is required to be completed?

Completed forms can be emailed to hr-benefits@gotchasportfishing.com or dropped off at 18 Normal Ave.

As a PERS/PFRS employee what paperwork is required to be completed to retire?

PERS and PFRS employees can submit their retirement application through their MBOS. Instructions can be found on the website.

What happens to my FSA after retirement?

Your FSA will be terminated as of your retirement date. You would only be able to use the funds in the account from the time you were an active employee.

Can I change my FSA payroll deductions to meet my annual election prior to my retirement date?

No, your FSA cannot be changed unless you experience a qualifying life event.